Meet Farhad Irani

A tech expert with a passion for computers dating back to his childhood.

As a young boy, Farhad was fascinated by the endless possibilities that came with his first computer, and loved to ask why and explore how it worked. This curiosity led him to become the go-to kid in class for fixing computer issues, and eventually landed him jobs in offices doing the same thing. As Farhad grew older, he taught himself to code and began writing apps for companies, always keeping the perspective of the owner in mind. This unique approach to problem-solving made Farhad a valuable asset to a variety of industries, including retail, real estate, and manufacturing. He has even consulted for major airports, such as LAX and Las Vegas, where he was able to bridge the communication gap between the tech team and the employees on the ground.

With a wealth of experience and a deep understanding of technology, Farhad is well-equipped to tackle any tech-related challenge.

Proficient In:

Javascript, PHP, SQL Server, MySQL, Java, Python, HTML, CSS, System Admin, Networking, Project Management